Tuesday 24 July 2007

Quit from DOTA

To myself, and all those reading this blog.

Dear Liu Yun

Since you were introduced to the game of DOTA in year 2005, you have been actively playing it over the past 2 years. Your level of participation is not consistently active, but sporadic periods of craze were practiced.

DOTA, or Defence of the Ancients, is a customized map for the Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne game. It is a highly popular game among people from all walks of life. However, its addictive game play and constantly updated maps make it disruptive to your life. Not only has it ruined your eyesight, it also ate into your valuable time which could be better spent doing other things, such as reading or gaining new skills. Your intrapersonal character is also strengthened indirectly from day to day, as you feel more urged to stay at home. Furthermore, it makes you more addicted to computer itself, exacerbating your back pain due to prolonged hour of sitting in front of the screen. It has also been noted that despite playing frequently, your standard has not significantly improved. This shows that pro gaming is not a possible career path for you.

Undeniably, it has brought you great fun. It was one of the main sources of entertainment after booking out and “staying in touch” with friends if it was not convenient to meet face to face. However, have you realized that its level of destructiveness is beyond imagination, for it is a game with no beginning and no end?

Therefore after deliberate considerations, I hereby declare that Liu Yun, will officially quit from DOTA from today onwards. Unless for the sake of socializing (i.e. LAN), you shall not initiate any game or engage in any game with any other person(s). Any breach of rule will be dealt severely and without sympathy.

By Order

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