Saturday 6 December 2008

IMRE attachment

I have finished the first full week of attachment at IMRE. It was quite boring, as I am alone in this project and haven't started on any hands-on experiment yet. That is not to say that I have understood the theory part. I'm far from it. In fact I can only describe all the phenomenons of electrospinning in the most lay-man's term, as the underlying physics requires formula that are beyond me. I can state all the terms without any problem, but I do not know their full meaning. Then there's all the spectroscopy. They are killing me.

However, there are some untoward advantage working there. As it is located in NUS, I could meet some friends whom I thought I had forgotten them. And it is very near my house, with 3 buses able to ferry me to and fro, within 10 minutes. Only Tanglin is more convenient to me.

The best part so far is that there is not much restriction on me. The working hour is something around 8.30-6, but I think I can go home whenever I want. I can go to tea break or lunch as many times as I like, and even if I don't turn up I doubt anyone will know too. However, all these are likely to end soon as I'm starting to work in the lab, and that means much more things to do.

I have also attended a two days course on safety. Suddenly the words OSHAS, PPE and MSDS came back to me. I thought I have left them for good when I left my workshop, only to meet it here again. And I think I'm beginning to get addicted to coffee, thanks to the excellent coffee machine they have here at every floor.

And ya I forgot to mention the canteens. The design of the Arts canteen is far better than those in Business or Science. It is new and decorated with bright colours and nice lamps. It also gives people a sense of cleanliness and the whole place is more pleasant to the eyes. I have yet to try out all the stalls though, and I will do so in the weeks to come.

Tuesday 2 December 2008


有几个好听的flash说唱要介绍给大家。虽说大部分都是好几年前的作品了,里面的语言也有些粗俗,不过还是反映了些问题,值得一听的。最出名的当然就是《大学自习室》系列,尤其是原作,在Youtube可以找到许多真人扮演的版本。还有那个关于台湾的,2004年曾在英国BBC World Service中的East Asia Today被介绍过。

Monday 10 November 2008

ORD loh!

The morning downpour looks like the final obstacle I have to face. But after getting my pink IC, I feel like a pheonix reborn from the ashes. Who cares the rain?

Wednesday 5 November 2008


Obama has become the first African American president, and the first black man to enter the White House. Just as all the polls have indicated, he claimed victory and made history. His achievement would have been unimaginable decades ago, and it is an indication of the strength of the American people, and their eagerness for change.

Change has been the theme of his campaign and it is a wisely chosen one. President George Bush is unpopular to say the least. In his eight years in office, America has gone to two wars, is on the brink (or already in) of the worst financial crisis in a few generations, and has a tremedous deficit. He cannot escape the blame for his party's losses in both the Senate and House of Representatives two years ago. Senator McCain may have some brilliant ideas and proved experiences, but these cannot make people ignore the mistakes committed by the Republican Party.

I am awed by Obama's ability to raise funds to run for the office. Starting from the Democrat primaries, his vast network of cash have enabled him to focus, and is also a convincing testament for his popularity and support. His speech is like, just too powerful and inspiring.

However, the US and the world need much more than charisma from a president. His future policies, whether in line with his campaign promises or not, are essential to steer the world in the right direction. Let's see if he can deliver.

Thursday 30 October 2008





Wednesday 29 October 2008

a tribute

not sure how to start on this thing. i'm feeling lost and weird. the scope of life suddenly changed angle and lead me to a new place. the bmt bunk, the jungles in tekong, the parade square. things that i thought i have forgotten were back on my mind. i have not seen him since, and although it was a long period ago, it was not easy to forget him.

he was older than most of us, and being so was much more matured in handling that fact that we were enlisted in the army. there is always a competition going around to see who's the last person not to report/fall sick, and he was the last few standing. he was the one who called me muhammad liuyun. and only few days before pop i realised that we were from the same secondary school.

that was the last time i saw him, and just as we are all going to ord in 2 weeks time, he is involved in a motorbike accident. the kind of feeling you get is just overwhelming, and it was particularly so when alex broke the news to me. just like that, a person, with a dream and plan after ns, is gone, as if wind has blown away his life when the words were spoken finished.

may you rest in peace, mustafa.

Friday 24 October 2008














Friday 17 October 2008

Oliver Twist

I have read a myriad of great novels without bothering to write down anything. I feel it is a great loss to me as the kind of feeling or thought these writings evoked when I was reading are not easily replicated in any other situation. Now that I have completed Dickens's Oliver Twist, it may be the time that I start writing something, and hopefully it will be the the beginning.

His vocabulary just cannot be matched. He can use very formal words to describe the lives people in higher class, and use street and gang slang for the criminal and lower society. Such descriptions blend so well that this work can be called nothing but a masterpiece. He is also very good at describing the inner feeling of the characters, and I can relate to such feelings when I was in a similar situation. One of the examples is his descriptions of young Oliver's thoughts before he slept, and his journey to London. Another example was his narration of Fagin's despondent last day in the cell and his thoughts. In addition, he is very good at painting a grim and filthy picture of neighbourhood and workhouse. London in the 19th century has come alive with the elegance of his language. It is not as hard to understand as those written in the 18th century such as Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travel, though.

Nevertheless, it is easy to point out the faults in the story. Firstly, Oliver is way too lucky. When he first went to the street to pickpocket (he was unaware), he ran into his father's old friend, Mr Brownlow. And in his next adventure to rob a house (against his will), he ran into his kind aunt, Rose Maylie, although in both instance he did not know his relationship with them yet. Secondly, the treatment of Fagin and his gang were too harsh at the end. The whole city seemed to boil with anger at the murder of Nancy for no other apparent reason, and Fagin was sentenced to death for his mostly petty crimes. Thirdly, in Book the Third, Oliver is hardly featured at all. All the happenings were for him instead of by him.

All these things are nothing as I'm absorbed into the world of Oliver Twist. Just love it.

Sunday 14 September 2008






Sunday 24 August 2008

I conquered 21km!

I never thought I can finish, but I did in the Army Half Marathon today.

The early morning drizzling and my muddy shoes were quite discouraging. However, my left knee, which always gave me problems after about 5km, miraculously never hurt at all. Running in a mass that stretches in the kilometers was another pushing factor that was not present before. I must admit the girls were an extra motivator too. Still, it was a journey not easily accomplished. Previously the longest distance I have covered was 14km which I completed in 1 hour 30 minutes. It was a grueling experience to say the least. Today it was much worse.

There were plenty of water points, some drums and music to replenish my energy, and the scenery was beautiful, yet all I cared was to look for the next distance indicator. The lack of training became apparent after I crossed the 18km mark. Both of my arms started to feel numb. I was exhausted beyond description and was panting desperately as if my whole system was going to stall due to lack of oxygen. The worst thing was that my brain was not functioning properly; I felt giddy and surrounding seemed blurred. Such feeling never occurred before so I stopped to rest, and walked for a considerate distance.

The thought of 3 days off and achieving something mastered enough energy for me to run the last 1.5km in a good pace. I didn't exactly start at 0:00, but when I look at the timer as I crossed the finishing line, it read 2:24:xx. Yes I did it!

Coincidentally, today was also the final for the man's marathon. After reaching home I checked the world record. For men it stands at 2:04:26, and women 2:15:25. So after all the suffering (I can't walk properly, and have difficulties climbing up and down the stairs), I still took more time to complete half of the distance. This leads me to think that, a medal in events such as marathon, triathlon should carry more weight than the other medals in the Olympics. Full respect to the athletes.

Sunday 10 August 2008

The Last Lecture

Mr Lim told me about the Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. It was a very inspiring talk by this Carnegie Mellon computer science professor, who died of pancreatic cancer on 25th July this year. Although it lasted for more than 1 hour, it is definitely worth watching. I was nearly going to this school!

Tuesday 8 July 2008

parents coming

Finally my parents are coming to Singapore to visit me. They have talked a lot about coming here yet they delayed every time. They missed my POP and scholarship ceremony, and I really miss them and the delicious home cooked food. Although living alone guarantees ultimate freedom, I think some discipline and parental guidance are no harm either. I can finally see my toddler brother, too. I heard from my parents that he had changed a lot since I last saw him. Below are some pictures of him taken around his 2nd birthday in Shanghai.

He received a toy car for his birthday.

Not satisfied? (Mum was taking the picture there).

The stapler looks more interesting to him.

Thursday 3 July 2008

Officially A Singaporean

Last Sunday I attended the Citizenship Ceremony in Singapore Poly to receive a certificate of identity. Now I'm officially a Singaporean. However, I stiil cannot get my ic, which is supposed to be presented to me together with the certificate. Damn army.

Wednesday 11 June 2008













Friday 6 June 2008

Amazing thailand

The half a month that I spent in Thailand was quite an eye-opener. It deserved detailed chronicling. However, as I did not bring a camera, thinking that other people would surely bring one, describing everything i saw vividly is inherently difficult with my limited vocabulary. And as I do not want to talk too much about the army, most of the stories will go into my personal diary.

Here are just some points of interest about the trip.

  • When I left the house for the airport on the 10th, I was trapped in the lift at my block for about 20 minutes. It was the first time I encountered a breakdown and I was all alone. Not much drama and no rescue team as well. The lift came back to life on its own.
  • I have seen a transsexual for the first time. Maybe you are wondering what was I doing all my 20 years, but seriously it was the first time. The only obvious way to distinguish them is through the pitch of their voice. There are pretty a lot of them there in Thailand.
  • There was a part of a railway that runs through a small market town in Kanchanaburi, yet there was not any barrier or warning device to inform the motorists of any potential danger. Though I heard that the trains will slow down when they are reaching such junctions, the locals are taking no chance. No one ever speed past this point, even though they disregard most other traffic regulations. So the next time the traffic police in Singapore want to limit the speed of the vehicles, just build one railway through the road. Lol.
  • Thailand is a beautiful country. When travelling along the roads, I have seen herds of cows grazing on the grass and birds flying about. Near the road there are the rice fields; further are the trees and houses; In the background there are mountains shrouded in clouds and mists. Actually I shouldn't have included this paragraph, as the description was no where close to the actual beauty of the landscape.
  • There is no showering facility in Sai Yok Camp. Instead, there is a water tank for us to scoop water to wash our bodies. Most of the time there would be lots of insects in the water. I have dubbed them “spices”, just like in the past whereby people added flower pedals to the water when they bathed.
  • When an artillery fires, the ground will shake. And you can hear the sounds of the shell as it travels in the projectile.
  • Certainly Thai people are better at field deployment. When the troops arrived at their deployment sites, ninja stores were already set up to sell ice-creams, fried rice and noodles to the soldiers. And they are a daring group pf people. I have seen a small boy around the age of 10 navigating around the artillery guns and command posts to sell drinks to the Singapore soldiers.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Sai Yok Camp

I'll be in Thailand from 10th to 27th this month. On duty for the army.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

a bit of DOTA

After a long abstinence from DOTA, I have picked it up again recently. But it's not really against my promise to quit from the game, as I only played 2 to 3 times after work with my army friends. I have realised that a lot of the heroes and items have changed, but the general game play and feel are still within recognition.

It is a good way to bond as we would shout against each other so loud that all the people at the LAN shop would be looking at us. During breaks and lunch we could have a common topic to discuss, although it is by far not the most popular topic (the most popular is about how f*ck up army life is). Setting the minds against each other to devise a better strategy in this game is a rather interesting thing to do, since it gives us something to look forward to in the week, and breaks the monotone in our life.

Thursday 20 March 2008



楚留香是一个很奇特的人物,在很早就名扬天下。他与胡铁花,姬冰雁一起,被称为“雁蝶为双翼,花香满人间”。除了他俩之外,他的朋友还有以杀人为职业的中原一点红,掷杯山庄庄主左轻侯,以及快网张三。往往在每个故事的结局他都先敌后友,结交更多的朋友。他有一艘自己的船,而且船上有三个红颜知己: 精于易容的苏蓉蓉,博闻强记的李红袖,还有妙手烹饪的宋甜儿。楚留香一生中也有许多别的女子。《大沙漠》里有琵琶公主和女扮男妆的黑珍珠;在《借尸还魂》里有石绣云;《蝙蝠传奇》里有责任重大的华真真,没有眼睛的东三娘;《新月传奇》里有新月公主;《桃花传奇》里有张洁洁(他最终的老婆)等等。



Sunday 9 March 2008

Mas Selamat bin Kastari

The news is all about him. The orange alert was released by Interpol followed by a red alert. His pictures are everywhere. Police Special Forces and Singapore Guards were activated for the biggest manhunt ever. But what do all these mean to me? Pretty much nothing… until last Tuesday. It was nearing 5.30 and everyone in my workshop was preparing for the RO and fallout. Then suddenly PC called and said that we need to do OT. Apparently the reason was Mas Selamat. Many Land rovers are utilized in the search for him, and there are insufficient vehicles for training purposes.

Despite the explanation that the higher authority has conjured up, the morale is super low. Can’t they just inform us earlier? There were no spares in the workshop too, and we had to go down NSDC to collect them. But what to do, who asks us to be in the SAF?

We still carried out work despite all the grumbling. Even the clerks went down to the workshop, but just to practice their acting skill. The four vehicles that we were supposed to finish by that night proved to be full of faults, and up until 10 pm, we could not pass out all. All the NSFs like me totally gave up. In fact, we began gathering around the smoking corner and sighing on our bad luck. We wondered how and why the escape of a single fugitive could nearly cause the mobilization of the entire SAF.

Finally we were allowed to leave, and thanks to Xian Cong’s mum, I managed to reach home at around 11.30. At that time, I truly felt the power and influence of Mas Selamat.

Sunday 24 February 2008


The first thing that I would like to say is that finally I passed my SAF Driving Test.

After two and half months of training and being under intense mental stress, I passed the test on the third attempt. Hours of driving and months of staying in have paid off, as I earned myself a SAF driving permit and a certificate. This course may have been a breeze for many, but it was a struggle for me. At the start, I can’t even steer the vehicle straight. Although I easily aced through the theory and parking tests, my driving skill only improved slowly with time. When it comes to reacting to road situation, I was totally lost. A few left after the first TP, and more people were gone as the days passed, and in the end, there were only five of us left in the group. Fear and despair began to creep in and our morale is as low as it could get. And then one day the other four passed the test together and suddenly I was left alone. Booking in, staying in, eating breakfast and worse of all, facing the instructors every day all by myself.

This period was probably the most difficult time in my NS so far. Luckily there was Mr. Lee and my parents who helped to encourage me. They gave me valuable advice on how to face what life throws at me, recognizing our strength, weakness and emotion so as to better manage them. Every obstacle leaves its mark on the person who crossed it and accumulating experience so that we can face the future more prepared. I have learnt some lesson the hard way.

Wednesday 13 February 2008







Sunday 3 February 2008









Sunday 13 January 2008


I have already served one year in the army, and can consider myself lucky that everything is smooth so far. Given the little time I have outside camp, this anniversary would be a quiet one, inside my heart, that the end is not far.