Tuesday 26 June 2007

Spinal disc herniation

Ever since the MO at Tekong recommended me for non-combat vocation in March following a X-ray scan, the subsequent three months were filled with medical appointments. It was a tiring burden as all of them were scheduled at Changi General Hospital, and I live at West Coast. On top of the physical distances I need to cover, there is this psychological discomfort I need to bear, always thinking that there is something seriously wrong with me.

My fear is not based just on the medical report by some doctor. My lower left back really gives me pain when I stand or sit for too long, or when I carry heavy stuff. Sometimes the simple act of walking will be a test for my endurance of pain. And the pain extends to my left thigh more often than not.

And so I went physiotherapy one time after another. He suspected that it was spinal disc herniation, or commonly known as slipped disc. The traction treatment I received was rather effective, but the pain never went away totally. I did MRI scan to confirm my problem, but the specialists were so busy that I could only see him for the second time today, to hear the verdict.

"MRI lumbar spine shows degenerative disease most significant at L3/4 and L4/5 level. At L3/4, there is generalised bulging of the disc with narrowing of the lateral recesses bilaterally. At L4/5, there is a large (L) paracentral disc protrusion which narrows the (L) side of the central canal as well as the ipsilateral lateral recess. The (L) descending L5 nervo root is compressed and displaced posteriorly."

The final diagnosis by the specialist is: I am perfectly normal. He said there is some degree of spinal bulge, but within the normal range. And everyone has some sort of spinal bulge, he added. I just can't believe what he said. Where the pain comes from? He attributed it to some probable back sprains.

Although I am not overjoyed as the pain still lingers, this session lifted a dark cloud that had shadowed over me, and somehow I felt much better without any physical reduction in the pain. The psychological burden, in this case, may have contributed greatly to my discomfort.

Monday 11 June 2007


Today went to medical centre for my FFI for OCS in the afternoon. Supposed to go sometime last month but can't remember the exact date, and got a serious scolding from WSM. I waited more than an hour just to get my unrine and blood pressure tested, and when I finally met the MO, it's such an unpleasant experience. Extract of our conversation:

(I knocked the door before I opened it)

MO: Hurry up come in.

(I murmured something like "good morning sir", which I doubted he heard. Then I sat down. He was looking at my forms and the computer screen.)

MO: So you got any medical problem?

Yun: I'm waiting for my MRI scan result for my lower back.

MO: So?

Yun: ......(I was wondering how to reply.)

MO: Who recommended you for the MRI?

Yun: The specialist at Changi Hospital.

MO: Who recommended you for the specialist?

Yun: The MO at Tekong.

(A puase, during which he copied my eyesight and some other medical information from the computer screen onto the form.)

MO: So why are you here when you're supposed to go OCS?

Yun: Oh the time the MO misdiagnosed, said I fractured my back.

MO: So?

Yun: Eh...... (Not again.)

MO: So you're unfit lah. Ok go and give this to the clerk next door.

(He handed he pieces of paper and I walked off from there.)

Sunday 10 June 2007


From 云之笔端


From 云之笔端


Thursday 7 June 2007

ubuntu Feisty Fawn

A few weeks ago tried out Ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn. It's a Linux operating system. What an experience it gives me. The interface is striking and dazzling, and the architecture is simple and light. At the start, it gives a very good feel.

As I explores deeper into it, it somehow tires me with its difference with windows. There is such a huge demand to memorise computing commands to be "in control". No such thing as .exe file, no "download and run" kind of feeling. It is more like MSDOS with a colourful interface forced onto it. I think its a big reason why linux is not big on personal computing.

But as I get over the first waves of shock, all the benefits start to show. Just like stinky tofu, after overcoming the pungent smells, the delicious food is all mine to devour. Fast and furious, it doesn't eat into my system memory unnecessarily. There are great bundles of free softwares and on-the-fly installation system, and thus I get exactly what I want. No anti-virus, anti-spyaware, anti-malware, anti-Trojan horse, anti-key loggers, anti-adware, anti-scumware, whatever you name it, needed.

Not only I got a fair share of my curiosity satisfied, and conscience cleared, as the entire system is free, legally.

Still the switch back is inevitable. The lure of Dota and my printer (it doesn't work with linux) proved too much to resist. After installing windows xp back (nearly cannot switch back due to system error), I got unique feeling: I just alighted from a manual car produced in 2050, and got on to a auto car produced in 1950.