Wednesday 5 November 2008


Obama has become the first African American president, and the first black man to enter the White House. Just as all the polls have indicated, he claimed victory and made history. His achievement would have been unimaginable decades ago, and it is an indication of the strength of the American people, and their eagerness for change.

Change has been the theme of his campaign and it is a wisely chosen one. President George Bush is unpopular to say the least. In his eight years in office, America has gone to two wars, is on the brink (or already in) of the worst financial crisis in a few generations, and has a tremedous deficit. He cannot escape the blame for his party's losses in both the Senate and House of Representatives two years ago. Senator McCain may have some brilliant ideas and proved experiences, but these cannot make people ignore the mistakes committed by the Republican Party.

I am awed by Obama's ability to raise funds to run for the office. Starting from the Democrat primaries, his vast network of cash have enabled him to focus, and is also a convincing testament for his popularity and support. His speech is like, just too powerful and inspiring.

However, the US and the world need much more than charisma from a president. His future policies, whether in line with his campaign promises or not, are essential to steer the world in the right direction. Let's see if he can deliver.

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